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Payment Methods


When you place an order through PayPal, the page will jump to the PayPal login page. Please log in with your PayPal username and password, and PayPal will prompt you to complete the payment. PayPal supports debit or credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, American Express, and Discover, and most mainstream banks in the market also support PayPal withdrawals.


You can pay with a bank card with the "UnionPay" logo. However, it should be noted that you need to bear the processing fee incurred when you use UnionPay to remit. Similarly, when a refund occurs, we will bear the processing fee generated by remittance to you, and will not charge you any processing fee (except for the refunds caused by your personal reasons).


We support you to remit the order amount to our bank account through international telegraphic transfer (TT). However, please note that you will be responsible for the transaction fees incurred when using TT remittance (i.e., when filling out the remittance form, you need to tick "Our" in column 71A). Similarly, when a refund occurs, we will bear the remittance fees incurred to send the refund to you and will not charge you any fees (except for refunds due to your personal reasons).

We have multiple global receiving accounts in banks such as Citibank, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Community Federal Savings Bank, DBS Bank, and Standard Chartered Bank.

Western Union

You can complete your payment via Western Union, but you need to make sure the amount paid for the item is within the daily limit. It should be noted that you need to bear the processing fee incurred when you use Western Union to remit. Similarly, when a refund occurs, we will bear the processing fee generated by remittance to you, and will not charge you any processing fee (except for the refunds caused by your personal reasons).

Credit Card Payment

We have recently enabled global Stripe collection, allowing you to use credit cards (including commonly used Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and other credit cards) for transactions. However, please note that you will be responsible for the transaction fees incurred when using credit card payment. Similarly, when a refund occurs, we will bear the remittance fees incurred to send the refund to you and will not charge you any fees (except for refunds due to your personal reasons).

Google Pay

If you have a Google Pay account, you can make payments using Google Pay. However, please note that you will be responsible for the transaction fees incurred when using Google Pay. Similarly, when a refund occurs, we will bear the remittance fees incurred to send the refund to you and will not charge you any fees (except for refunds due to your personal reasons).

Apple Pay

If you have an Apple Pay account, you can make payments using Apple Pay. However, please note that you will be responsible for the transaction fees incurred when using Apple Pay. Similarly, when a refund occurs, we will bear the remittance fees incurred to send the refund to you and will not charge you any fees (except for refunds due to your personal reasons).

Notes: You can only choose one payment method for an order, and please make sure you have enough money in your account to complete the payment.

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